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The 2023 Festival team

Sayouba Sigue & Rachel Sigué Chenet General Management & artistic director; Aimé Boissy President of APDD the organizing and general coordination committee; Ndeye Mané TOURE Administrator and production, Babacar THIAM, Carole FILLETON, Ambroise YAO Coordinator and Administration; Ismael NDIAYE Administration, Omar NGALA SECKAlexandre NDIAYEAida DIALLO FAYEEdourd THIAW Administration; Moussa DIALLO Technical director; Ibrahima NDOUR Technical, Jules GUEYE Technical, Abel TRAORE Technical, Pierre NDONG Technical; Bia BOUCALGeneral scenography; Samba NDOUR General scenography, Adelina SASNAUSKAITE General scenography; DAH FALL Communication , BARKHAM CISSMOHAMED CISSE Communication; FATOU NDIAYE Communication; GORGUI NIANG Communication; Dolé FALL Conference Debate Round table; Anna DELARBRE coordination Theater of craze; MAURICE SAGNE Communication; Rachel COREA Conference Debate Round table; Gerard POCIECKA Conference Debate Round table; Audrey SAMBOU Young audience area, Melissa MUTOMBO Young audience area, Tayino CHERUBIN Young audience area, Sarita MARCHESI Young audience area; Viola TERESA Young audience area; Donald BOUCAL And Lil DAVE GALSEN Musical stage manager; Yama DIONE Responsible for relations with the village; Ya Fatou Responsible for relations with the village; Djibril BOCOUM Responsible for accommodation; Sayouba SIGUE Design and festival catalog graphics; Alpha Dad, Aliou THIAMAliou BA Tourism and Discovery; Emile THIAWIsmaila GUEYE, Ousmane DIOUF Security & Health; Yama DIONEDAOUDA CISSMarietou FAYEIsmaila THIOMEAssane NDOYEMor FAYELil DAVE GALSEN, Reception, Public Relations and Volunteering; Ya Adji DrameRaky CISSMarieme DIALLO, Village activities, Fatou DIALLOAbdoulaye SAMB, HAS bdoulaye GUEYEMamadou NIANG, Courses and workshops; Tanya MERCERONMatar Lébougui, Eco-responsibility of Exhibitors and Layout of premises; Donald BOUCALBabacar NDOUR,Arona NDIAYE........

Les partenaires du Dialaw Festival Toubab Dialaw

Thanks to our partners

join us !


We are looking for passionate and committed people in various fields, to collaborate with our team. If you are talented artists, potential partners, patrons, exhibitors, broadcasters, from the press or simply passionate about art and culture, you are welcome to dance our adventure.

Contact us

Sobo Badè/Art Hotel

Dialaw Festival - RFM

Toubab Dialaw                                                 

BP 30 Bargny sur Mer - SENEGAL

00221 77 631 30 20

00221 77 519 55 72

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