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xew xewu dizmano         45'


27 April 18h30
Grande Place PENC MI                                              For all

The company worked for 8 months, drawing inspiration from what happens on a daily basis in our society. Does our freedom end where the one of others begins? Are our decisions and actions free or controlled by the habits of a society? By touring internationally in 7 different countries Cherif GUEYE has trained many young singers - percussionists and dancers with the aim of promoting the ART.

Piece for 8 dancers

(Gana, Oumar, Ablaye, N’Deye N’Diaye, Marie N’Diaye, Deynaba, Mamie N’Diaye and Thiati)

and 4 percussionists (Assane, Ousmane, Ibra and Ali).

Choreographer and director: Mariama N’Dione known as Yama.

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