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Fagaru (Prevention)        30'
DIOME FA (Senegal)




April 27, 20h45
Grande Place PENC MI                                             All audiences  

“Fagaru” is a Wolof word which means “Prevention”.

Four characters from an unidentified town suffer the consequences of their own actions on their direct environment. Locked in their habits as citizens, they dirty,

suffocate, evolve in the noise and turmoil, unable to take a step back from their actions and imprisoned in darkness that they created themselves. They come from different backgrounds and yet, faced with the ills of the planet, their involvement is the same. They will finally realize that the solution cannot come from their awareness and will do everything to change things before it is too late...

Choreographer: Fatou SAMB

Dancers: Younouss BADJI, Mame Cheikh YOUM, Serigne Abdou Khafor MBOUP

Actor: Ousmane FAYE

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